The Renaissance of classical philosophy

Most humanists blamed medieval philosophy for an inadequate interpretation of ancient world knowledge. Thus, scholastics are criticized for their artificial and obscure language, among other things. While some, for example Erasmo, will propose a return to evangelical simplicity, others will begin a journey back to the sources of Greek philosophy.

The Renaissance philosophers

Whether or not humanists, Rencentist philosophers entered into the correspondence between man and the world, between the microcosm and the macrocosm, making man the center of the Universe and considering Nature as an infinite and living whole. This vision cannot be said to have been unanimous, but the remarkable point is that the scientific revolution of the 17th century marked a turning point from which a new conception of the world. Perhaps unity should be better sought in the field of law and social sciences.

To deepen the topic

Nicolás de Cusa, a post-scholastic neoplatonic

The monism of Giordano Bruno

Telesio and Campanella: social reforms

Bacon and the inductive method

por Graciela Paula Caldeiro