In his latest works Heidegger makes an investment with respect to previous existentialism in that he modifies the relationship between man (an “entity”) and being. It is about thinking every entity, from being and no longer, from the human being. This implies a transformation of Western humanism because the human entity must move on to live in the “truth of being” because it does not have to be “lord of the entity” but only “shepherd of the entity”. This metaphor contains a profound interpretation of history.
The failure of Western metaphysics: Western metaphysics thinks the being of the entity, but does not think the difference between the two. Metaphysics does not ask for the very truth of being, therefore it does not ask in what way the essence of man belongs to the truth of being. The ontological difference between being and entity is not noticed. Secondly, neither can Western metaphysics understand the truth of being, and therefore subjectivism triumphs.
The consequences of forgetfulness of being transform entities into “objects” for the human “subject”, who will no longer aspire to humanize them but to dominate them. This requires a technical interpretation of thinking, a technical reason in which entities are no longer even objects but only “working material”.
Thus, Heidegger proposes to overcome metaphysics.
Man must be placed in the clarity of being. Thus, Heidegger will use the term --- (---) to indicate that man must live ectatically outside himself in the truth of being. It is no longer man who makes projects throwing himself into the future, but he himself is the one who is thrown in the midst of the clarity of being to guard him. Then the “lord of the entity” must become the “shepherd of being”.
In short, Heidegger does not answer what is being, but for him, the important question is another, that is, what were the consequences of being forgetfulness.