The identification of late and practice is a political act, with which it is proved that practice is rational and necessary, or that theory is realistic and rational Gramsci
The praxis for Aristotle lacks productive sense, on the other hand, for Marx and Marxism is the activity by which the world will be transformed and must always be linked to theory. Gramsci defines it as “the relationship between human will (superstructure) and economic structure.
Gramsci highlights the importance of philosophy, that is, of “theory”. All men are philosophers and possess a socially received conception of life. In the proletariat there is a remarkable contradiction between theory and revolutionary praxis, because the proletarians' conception of the world is none other than that imposed by the intellectual hegemony of the bourgeoisie.
Gramsci says that intellectuals have the duty to create in continuous dialectical relationship with the masses, a new philosophy that is critical and overcoming the religion of common sense in such a way that it does not separate itself from political praxis. This is the philosophy of praxis will lead the proletariat to a new conception of life. It is a creative philosophy that will modify reality itself and teach that there is no reality in itself, but always in relation to men who modify history.
The central problem of the philosophy of practice is to answer the question: what is man? Or... What can man become?. In fact, man can only come to be conceived as an active and creative being with himself, with others, with nature, with the past, with the future...
Thus, everything is politics, even philosophy or philosophies. But the only philosophy is life itself, history in action